digital:talents und eworx
support the IT specialists of tomorrow!

The future will require a skilled workforce in the IT sector. It is therefore vital to provide training for young people and to facilitate connections between them and industry and business. This is the objective of the digital:talents association, which we at eworx are proud to support.

about digital:talents

The digital:talents association offers a range of benefits for Austrian companies, institutions, and young talents, including training opportunities and networking with industry experts. By connecting these parties, the association aims to strengthen Austria as a business location in the field of digitalization.

our cooperation

The eworx Marketing Suite, provided by eworx, enables digital:talents to market their services effectively. Our solution facilitates effective communication between companies and digital talents, as well as the professional organization of regular digital talents events.

our solution

• Unified system for efficient communication

• Simplified data maintenance

• Newsletter marketing and event management integrated

• Effective participant management in the events sector

• Management of invitations and guest lists, badges and event follow-up

"As an association, we must use our time efficiently and focus our efforts on active association work, not on administrative tasks. eworx provides the best support for this. The eworx Marketing Suite enables us to work smoothly and quickly."

Angela Wertgarner, Head of Communications at digital:talents

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