voestalpine „High-Five!“
Impuls mailings powered by eworx

voestalpine AG uses eworx impulse mailings for the High-Five! programme to promote the corporate culture

The High-Five! initiative, under the patronage of Ambassador Ernst Balla, is dedicated to the positive development of the corporate culture in the Metal Forming Division of the voestalpine Group. To communicate and anchor these values, voestalpine relies on a variety of tools, including automated e-mail sequences from the eworx Marketing Suite.

Objective of the campaign

The "High Five!" initiative at voestalpine has a clear goal: to positively develop the corporate culture. It addresses over 12,000 employees at around 50 locations worldwide. We will anchor the shared value system with sustainable communication measures, such as impulse emails. 

eworx solution

At Voestalpine AG, eworx is leveraged for the seamless transfer of knowledge and the active promotion of our corporate culture. Our employees receive regular suggestions and stories via automated, multi-stage email sequences. They are also encouraged to actively participate in the initiative. 


• Enhance internal communication

• Facilitate effective knowledge transfer

• Empower managers as ambassadors

• Achieve high engagement and acceptance rates

• Reinforce the corporate culture

• Internationalize the initiative

"eworx provides us with an effective marketing tool for disseminating information about our High Five! program. The software's standard features include comprehensive tools for mapping our impulse mailings. Moreover, the eworx service team provided valuable assistance in designing and implementing workflows."

Ernst Balla, High Five! ambassador at voestalpine AG

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